Reply to #blackstarhalo

Blackstar Halo tweets

    Band > Henri

    Instrument: Dingwall
    Equipment: Dingwall, Darkglass
    Favorite thing to do when not playing: Moosing around and playing some Dingwall
    Worst tour memory: Not playing Dingwall
    Favorite food: Pizza made of Dingwall
    Drinks: Extra Virgin Dingwall juice
    Hip music right now: Anything played with Dingwall
    Watching now: Dingwall’s neck
    All time favorite music: Dingston Wall, Dingwall goes to Hollywood, Dingwallsmith, Dingwalls and roses, Bon Dingwall, Dingwallhead, Deep Dingwall, Hassisen Dingwall

    Right now on to:

    1. Dinging some wall